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call us at spectrum apparel printing for custom screen printing and apparel printingCall us (408).288.7433
Text us (408).645.0811

Printing custom T-shirts for San Clara since forever.

Spectrum Apparel Printing is the place to go for all your custom apparel needs in San Clara. We guarantee to give you quality screen prints at affordable prices. We screen print t-shirts, and other garments right here locally in the Bay Area. Get an instant quote, and check out our great prices.
Order custom printed apparel for any occasion. We personally help you out from artwork creation to garment delivery. No order is too small or too large for us. We offer affordable prices, fast turnarounds, and awesome quality custom screen printing. Our prices and quality beat the online completion. And besides, it’s always better to keep in the Bay, keep it local. Our friendly in-house staff will help you from A-Z on your project.

Feel free to contact us:
Text us (408) 645-0811
Call us (408) 288-7433

Below is some screen printing work we've
done for the good people of San Clara

marilyn monroe screen print using halftones

We are of the opinion that everyone has to be a Marilyn Monroe print. We did this print for a student service group out of San Clara, Ca. The print came out pretty good on crew neck sweaters.

awesome custom T-shirt print from spectrum apparel printing

This has to be one of our favorite prints. It is not difficult but there are a lot of details in the print, that took multiple colors to pull off. This design was submitted by a designer out of San Clara, Ca. Great print.

the San Clara T-shirt with gold ink

The infamous “San Clara” shirt. Yep we printed that. As you can tell we used up a lot of gold ink. This shirt was a hit in San Clara. Or at least for those wearing it. Everyone else is a square. Humor.